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About Catty Corner Cafe

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The Owner

Heather Donahue began her journey in the field of marketing after graduating from the business school at George Mason University. After her career in advertising she decided to settle down in Leesburg to raise her four children. Heather always found in her an exclusive form of love and warmth for cats, she considers herself to be a cat fanatic and decided to help these marvelous creatures with care and affection, she became a foster mom for cats in Loudoun and with this began a new chapter in her life. She decided to open a cat café for people that are like minded, where cat lovers like herself can come in, interact and spend their days being surrounded with cats.  She believed in her need for a space that can blend her love for cats, coffee and cozy spaces, hence the birth of Catty Corner Café.


The Ambassador

Meet our lovely little instrument Cello who is Catty Corner's ambassador. She was the very first cat who arrived and everyone just fell in love with her. We wanted to share her amazing personality and beauty with every customer who enters, so Heather thought what's better than adopting her. Since then she has been such an absolute angel and for sure the face of Catty Corner Cafe.

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